P. 89


                                            Toiyabe Golf Club                                                 RENO

                                       region: Greater Reno |  course type: Public

            estled at the base of the Sierra Nevada   water comes into play on 14 holes. Elevated   practice facilities that include chipping and
        NMountains,  Toiyabe Golf  Club  has   tees provide spectacular views of Mt. Rose,   sand practice areas along with an expansive
        a picturesque landscape of shimmering   Slide Mountain, and Washoe Lake.  putting green.
        lakes, meandering streams, and towering
        pines. This course has a traditional layout   The golf course, designed by Robert Muir   Toiyabe Golf Club is owned by Duncan Golf
        that features contoured fairways and fast,   Graves, is challenging but still player-  Management, and is located in New Washoe
        generous greens.  There are nearly 50   friendly with four sets of tees. In addition   City, between Carson City and Reno.
        bunkers strategically placed throughout and   to the course, Toiyabe Golf Club also offers

           Course Details                    Property  Amenities
           Architect: Robert Muir Graves     Pro Shop,  Instruction, Rental Clubs  19 Lightning W. Ranch Road
           18 Holes Par 72                   Weddings, Banquets, Tournaments,   New Washoe City, NV 89704
           7,166 yards from Back Tees        Memberships
           Practice Facility                 Restaurant/Dining
           Driving Range                     Full Restaurant,
           Chipping Area                     Beverage Cart Service, Snack Bar
           Putting Green

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