P. 108

WHERE TO DINE                                      NORTHERN


                                    EDGEWOOD TAHOE                  100 Lake Pkwy, Lake Tahoe
                                                                    888-881-8659  |

           dgewood  Tahoe Resort in South Lake  casual, dining option for families, friends,  Revered by Golf Digest as one of the "Best
        ETahoe  offers  dining  options  both  and foodies alike.                Golf Pubs" in the world, Brooks’ Bar and
        casual and refined to suit your every mood.                              Deck is home to a setting both striking and
        Conveniently housed inside  The Lodge at  Edgewood Restaurant is one of South Lake  serene. Located just off of Edgewood Tahoe’s
        Edgewood  Tahoe is  The Bistro, a hub for  Tahoe's greatest hidden gems. With stunning  picturesque 18th hole, Brooks' offers golfers
        guests to gather, dine, and reminisce about  floor-to-ceiling  windows  and  an  elegant  and guests alike stunning views of all the
        the day's adventures on the course, along the  lodge aesthetic, diners enjoy striking views  magic the Sierras have to offer—from sunsets
        beach, or in the mountains.  A full-service  of mountains, pines, and the glistening  saturated in striking gem tones to the glassy
        space open for all three meals,  The Bistro  sapphire lake while they celebrate golden  blue waters of the mesmerizing Alpine lake.
        serves  as  Edgewood  Tahoe’s  refined,  yet  anniversaries and create diamond memories.

                                     CASINO FANDANGO                  3800 S. Carson St., Carson City
                                                                      775-885-7000 |

           he best food at the best value is always on  savor spectacular 28-day dry aged prime U.S.  At Shinsen Sushi they hand pick the freshest,
        Tthe menu at Casino Fandango. Let five  beef prepared to perfection while enjoying  most authentic ingredients daily and present
        award-winning restaurants take you on an  an extensive wine selection.  The elegant  an unbeatable All-You-Can-Eat Buffet. Sushi
        international taste tour, from Italian to Sushi  ambience and extraordinary service is yet  lovers will go wild for the amazing Fandango
        to American Classics and beyond.    another reason Duke’s is recognized as one  roll and the extensive a la carte menu. Voted
                                            of Northern Nevada’s premier restaurants.  best brunch, Palm Court Grill is Carson
        The Rum Jungle Buffet’s 140 plus delicious  Bring your cravings to Ti Amo for authentic  City’s favorite 24/7 dining destination with
        house-made dishes satisfy every taste.  Italian dishes. Fresh ingredients, Old Country  incredible  appetizers,  hundreds of  menu
        The  five  live-action  chef  stations,  seafood  recipes, and superb new takes on Italian  items, and spectacular homemade desserts
        delights, giant salad bar, decadent dessert  favorites mean love at first bite. Enjoy your  available day and night, year round.
        island, and champagne brunch are just a few  preferred vino in a relaxed atmosphere at
        reasons the Rum Jungle is continuously voted  deliciously reasonable prices.
        the  bests  buffet  in  Carson  City. At  Duke’s,

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