P. 113

CASABLANCA RESORT               950 W. Mesquite Blvd, Mesquite, NV              DINING
                                                              877-438-2929  |

            fter a round of golf in Mesquite, you’ll  Dinner, and Saturday New York Steak and  steakhouses found in nearby Las  Vegas.
        Awant to grab a bite to eat. Whether you  Crab Legs. At Casa Café, order up American  Enjoy Oysters Rockefeller, from-scratch
        choose  their  room  service,  Mesa  Buffet,  classics - ham steak and eggs, prime rib and  Caesar salads, tableside presentations and
        Casa  Café  or  Katherine’s  Steakhouse,  the  the best burgers in the valley, served with  desserts that are as entertaining as they are
        CasaBlanca Resort & Casino offers everyone  fresh-cut fries – as well as traditional Chinese  delicious. With stone crab flown in directly
        in your group a variety of meal options.  dishes, freshly prepared by classically trained  from the Florida Keys and USDA dry aged
                                            Chefs born and raised in China.      beef from stockyards in Chicago, you won’t
        At  Mesa  Buffet,  enjoy  a  grand  variety  of                          find better quality ingredients anywhere.
        dishes as well as specials such as Saturday and  Award winning Katherine’s Steakhouse
        Sunday Mimosa Morning, Friday Seafood  boasts a fine dining menu that rivals the many

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