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GROUPS & EVENTS                                     SOUTHERN


                                       THE REVERE GOLF CLUB              2600 Hampton Rd., Henderson
                                                                         702-259-4653  |

        he Revere Golf Club provides an all-  hills of the championship golf course to lake  friends and family on the vast lawn for an al
     Tinclusive Las Vegas wedding experience  views to panoramic views of the famous Las  fresco event. In addition to the all-inclusive
     from  the  venue  to  catering  to  florists  and  Vegas skyline. Following your ceremony,  Las  Vegas wedding packages available,
     photography; they can handle every detail  your guests will be treated to a gourmet  the Revere Golf Club can customize your
     of  your  special  day.  Offering  four  unique  dining experience at the elegant clubhouse,  wedding day to your specific needs and be
     ceremony sites—three outdoors and one  which maintains that unending view to the  with you every step to ensure your wedding
     indoor—Revere boasts enough space for  Las  Vegas skyline.  The clubhouse features  day is flawless.
     350 of your guests. The outdoor sites each  accommodations for up to 200 guests at one
     highlight a feature of the club from the rolling  of three banquet spaces or host up to 350

                                        REFLECTION BAY GOLF CLUB                  75 Monte Lago Blvd., Henderson
                                                                                  702-904-7884  |

         eflection Bay Golf Club offers a stunning  and blanketed with lush green grass, making  outdoor patio seating, customized décor, and
     RLake Las  Vegas setting that combines  it an ideal location to say, “I do.” Conclude  a Reflection Bay signature menu to complete
     nature’s elegance with breathtaking city views  the ceremony with a ride on the La Contessa  your experience. The attentive staff will take
     and luminescent sunsets.  Their romantic  yacht and a champagne toast to the new  care of every detail along the way, making
     lakeside ceremony site is located at the  couple before returning to the clubhouse for  your wedding day as elegant and flawless as
     bottom of a winding walkway through fresh  your  reception.  Reflection  Bay’s  clubhouse  you have always imagined.
     desert scape bordered with charming foliage.  will provide you with amazing scenery and
     This area is canopied by tropical palm trees  photo opportunities. Enjoy ample indoor and

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