P. 116

GROUPS & EVENTS                                    NORTHERN


                                                                                             G    C

          CARSON VALLEY INN                   WHITEHAWK RANCH                        DAYTON VALLEY

                   CASINO                            GOLF CLUB                           GOLF CLUB

              1627 Hwy 395 N, Minden, NV           768 Whitehawk Dr., Clio, CA          101 Palmer Dr., Dayton, NV
         775-782-9711  |  530-836-0394  |
                                                                                 775-246-7888  |
             hen it comes to private events and   ocated in the picturesque mountains   T he professional team at Dayton Valley Golf
        Wweddings, Carson  Valley Inn Casino   Lof the Sierra Nevada, approximately   Club is committed to the success of your
        has it all.  With multiple venue options and   fifty  miles  northwest  of  Truckee,  event. From the planning, implementation and
        exceptional cuisine, your event will be amazing.   Whitehawk Ranch is the ideal place   final wrap-up, event experts are there to serve
        The  resort  boasts  over  5,000 square feet  of   to host your next event or golf group   you.  Dayton  Valley  offer  a  variety  of  event
        indoor and outdoor meeting and event space                              packages to choose from, or they will customize
        to host your next meeting, wedding, shower,   outing. The professional staff will work   one  to  fit  your  specific  needs.  Together,  the
        party, celebration, or  retreat.  An  experienced   with you to create a unique and inspiring   sweeping mountain views and the Carson Valley
        professional team with impeccable service will   experience that you and your guests   below make for the prefect venue for your big
        bring creative solutions to assist you in creating a   won’t soon forget. At Whitehawk Ranch,   day. You can have an outdoor event on the patio
        seamless event.  Choose from a variety of unique   they host more than 250 groups annually.   or inside in the grand classic Sierra Ballroom.
        venues which can be configured to accommodate   The Choke Group, Sierra Swing, and the  Dayton Valley Golf Club can accommodate up
        all event types.  Just a short distance from Reno,   Show Down are just a few of the long-  to 180 guests.
        Carson City, scenic Lake Tahoe and Sacramento,   time groups and more are added each
        and access to a convenient full-scale airport, this   year.             In addition, choose Dayton Valley Golf Club
        location is hard to beat. Whether your group is                         as the location for your next golf event. From
        small and intimate or 300 guests, space will be   Large group bookings enjoy advanced   the moment you begin coordination until the
        customized for the perfect setting and agenda.                          final award is handed out, the golf staff is there
                                             bookings, longest drive competition,   to serve you. Whether you plan to hold a large
        From reliable Wi-Fi services to private dinners   closest to the hole competition, cart signs,   corporate or charity event, or just a group of 12
        and full catering, every detail is treated as   and course yardage cards.  Additional   on a golf getaway, Dayton Valley will ensure
        important. Book a private dinner at CV Steak for   amenities are available: box lunches, snack   your complete satisfaction. Dayton Valley Golf
        up to 18. And for a full retreat, don’t forget the   bar account, BBQ before or after golf, tee   Club combines a great golf experience with the
        149 newly remodeled rooms including 11 suites.   prizes, and golf shop prizes  unmatched beauty of the Nevada landscape.
        The views of the mountains are spectacular and                          The seamless integration of friendly service and
        with 12 golf courses nearby as well as world-                           gorgeous natural surroundings is what will bring
        class skiing, there is something for everyone.                          your group back year after year. Your guests are
                                                                                sure to enjoy the hospitality of the staff along
        Idyllic setting, impeccable  service,  delicious                        with the graceful beauty of our facility.
        food, and onsite accommodations make Carson
        Valley Inn Casino the perfect choice.

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