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GROUPS & EVENTS                                    NORTHERN


                                EDGEWOOD TAHOE                  100 Lake Pkwy, Lake Tahoe
                                                                888-881-8659  |

              ith a rich and storied history of  Inside the iconic mountain chalet clubhouse is  a spectacular view of the lake, and includes
        Wbringing magical moments to life,  the North Room, which also boasts the North  direct  access  to  an  adjacent  patio  with  fire
        Edgewood  Tahoe Resort is a premier  Deck and North Lawn. This room  features  pit as well as the South Lawn. The Forbes
        lakefront choice for unforgettable events—  tall walls of windows looking out over the  4-star rated Lodge at Edgewood Tahoe offers
        be they intimate, grand, or simply stunning.  lake and includes direct access to the large  a stunning ballroom. A beach ceremony site
        From the expansive lakefront lodge deck to  lakeside deck. Both the deck and lawn offer  offered  by  Edgewood  Tahoe  is  the  perfect
        a stunning mountain clubhouse, Edgewood  stunning ceremony sites. The more intimate  combination with this stunning space that can
        Tahoe’s two venues both have one thing in  clubhouse venue is the South Room that  host all sizes of receptions.
        common—each is absolutely breathtaking.  also features tall walls of windows offering

                                SILVER OAK GOLF COURSE                    1251 Country Club Dr., Carson City
                                                                          775-841-7000  |

           he Silver Oak Executive Conference  3,800-square-foot space includes a private,  golf course.  Your friends and colleagues
        TCenter in Carson City is alone worth a  marble-top bar and outdoor patio seating with  have to experience it for themselves.   A
        trip to the property. A collection of rare and  incredible views of the golf course, Carson  golf tournament or group  outing makes
        museum quality memorabilia of automobiles  City and The Sierras.         a  wonderful  way  to  reunite,  celebrate
        and private memorabilia collections from                                 retirement, or to raise funds for your
        the 1950-60’s era decorate the unique and  If  you are  looking for  a  golf  outing  or  organization.  The  affordable  tournament
        detailed interior. A labor of love and a long-  tournament for your group or organization,  packages and unparalleled setting make
        time passion of Garth Richards, the center  give Silver Oak Golf & Event Center a call.  Silver Oak your preferred destination year
        is appropriate for up to 300 person events  Each year golfers from across the country  after year.
        and is the perfect place to say, “I do.” The  put themselves to the test on the beautiful

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