P. 117


                                                          las vegas paiute golf resort

        WESTIN LAKE LAS VEGAS                  LAS VEGAS PAIUTE                       RHODES RANCH

                RESORT & SPA                       GOLF RESORT                            GOLF CLUB

             101 Montelago Blvd., Henderson    10325 Nu-Way Kaiv Blvd., Las Vegas   20 Rhodes Ranch Pkwy, Las Vegas
        702-567-6000  |  800-711-2833  |  702-740-4114  |

            t  Westin,  the  staff  is  committed  to   aiute is one of the most extensive golf   hodes  Ranch  Golf  Club  offers
        Ahelping  you  feel  your best  on  your  Pcourse wedding venues in Las  Vegas.  Ra stunning Las  Vegas setting
        wedding day. From intuitive service to   With views that will stun you speechless,   that combines natures’ elegance with
        enriching  experiences  and  vibrant  venues,   give your guests that wow factor made only   breathtaking city views and luminescent
        the  expert  staff  ensures  each  detail  comes   in  the  purity  of  nature  and coupled with   sunsets.  Whether you are  looking
        to  life  flawlessly.  The  Westin  Lake  Las   the  unique  and  special  ways  that  define   for a simple outdoor ceremony or a
        Vegas’ gorgeous wedding venues make the
        perfect place to say, “I do.” From your first   your commitment. The 50,000 square-foot   reception filled with family, friends, and
        steps down the aisle to the last dance of the   banquet room can accommodate up to 300   champagne toasts, Rhodes Ranch will
        evening, the spellbinding location on Lake   guests comfortably. Paiute offers plated and   fit  your  needs.  The  romantic  lakeside
        Las Vegas will offer the perfect backdrop for   buffet style dining, with everything made in-  ceremony site is located at the bottom
        a dream wedding.                     house. Receptions can be indoor or outdoor.   of a winding walkway through desert
                                             An added benefit: the facility is on Paiute   scape and bordered with charming
        The Westin knows on your wedding day, you   land and is considered a “sovereign nation,”   foliage. The area is canopied by tropical
        want to create memories that last a lifetime.   which means they are a tax-free facility.  palm trees and blanketed with lush green
        They have thought of everything for the most   On-site wedding planning specialists will be   grass.  The elegant clubhouse, boasting
        beautiful and unique weddings in Las Vegas,   there every step of the way—from touring   fantastic panoramic views of the majestic
        from floral arrangements and menus, down to   the stunning property and discussing your   Spring Mountains, provides you with
        the personal touches that will make the day
        your own. Explore even more possibilities by   vision to creating an event built around   amazing scenery and photo opportunities.
        allowing Westin to cater your bridal shower,   who you are as a couple to being there   Rhodes  Ranch  Golf  Club  offers  indoor
        rehearsal dinner, reception, or morning   as you walk down the aisle—the team is   and outdoor patio seating, allowing the
        brunch following your perfect wedding day   a supportive shoulder, sounding board,   club to accommodate a varying number
        in Henderson.                        and  true  confidant.  Beyond  the  physical   of guests. Enjoy customized decor and
                                             beauty that is Paiute, specific amenities and   a Rhodes Ranch signature menu to
        With ample event space, the Westin is also a   benefits  are  offered  that  come  as  part  of   complete your experience.
        perfect choice for your next party, celebration,   the standard services; detailed pieces such
        or work event. Indoor and outdoor options are   as aesthetics, entertainment, and personal
        available for a variety of sizes.    touches are included.

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