P. 115


                               LAKE TAHOE GOLF COURSE                  2500 Emerald Bay Rd., South Lake Tahoe  VENUES
                                                                       530-577-0788 |

           ocated in a natural mountain meadow just  premier event facilities are complemented by  or wood wedding arbor, and a rehearsal site
        Lminutes from the southern shoreline of  an experienced team of on-site catering and  available prior to your wedding day.
        Lake Tahoe in the Sierra Nevada Mountain’s  event specialists available to assist with every
        Lake  Valley State Recreation  Area, Lake  detail.                       The stunning 2,500-square-foot clubhouse
        Tahoe Golf Course’s spectacular views                                    features a full-service restaurant and dining
        and clubhouse make it the perfect wedding  Located on the tenth tee along the banks  area overlooking the golf course with views
        venue. The bride and groom can choose from  of the winding Upper Truckee River, Lake  of Mt.  Tallac. It is a perfect setting for
        a variety of spectacular indoor and outdoor  Tahoe Golf Course’s lovely ceremony  receptions,  group  meetings,  and  banquet
        venues guaranteed to make your wedding  site  serves as an unforgettable  locale for  dinners seating up  to  160 guests.  The
        truly unforgettable. From the historic,  an outdoor wedding ceremony or vow  chandeliers and wall accents add to the Tahoe
        beautifully appointed ballrooms to the lovely  renewals accommodating up to 160 guests.  charm.  The clubhouse also includes a full
        outdoor space with panoramic vistas of the  The ceremony package features rows of  golf shop, a cocktail bar, and a snack bar with
        golf course and surrounding mountains, the  mahogany ceremony chairs, a wrought iron  cart service on the course.

                   Lake Tahoe Golf Course offers a breathtaking backdrop
                    for your big day, with unforgettable views of the High
                    Sierras and a picture-perfect setting for your wedding,
                    reception, or private event. Let our professional event
                     team assist you with every detail of your ceremony and
                      reception so that you can relax and enjoy this special
                                      moment in your life.

                       Located on the tenth tee along the banks of the
                    winding Upper Truckee River, our lovely ceremony site
                       serves as an unforgettable locale for an outdoor
                    wedding ceremony or vow renewals accommodating
                   up to 160 guests. Our ceremony package features rows
                    of mahogany ceremony chairs, a wedding arbor and a
                           backdrop provided by Mother Nature.

                           530.577.0788 Ext 3  |

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