P. 40
Primm Valley Golf Club
region: Las Vegas | course type: Public
ith a career that has spanned more Course opened in February of 1997 and The Desert Course opened in May 1998 and
Wthan 35 years and included the was quickly given the ranking as one of was built to showcase the beautiful desert
design of more than 120 courses, golf the Top Ten Best New Courses that same landscaping and provided a stark contrast to
course architect Tom Fazio is a living year by Golf Digest. The Lakes Course the almost-tropical Lakes Course. Slightly
legend in the business. One of the most will take you out of the desert and into more demanding of the player’s ability, it
recognized and acclaimed golf course another world. Complete with dense measures 7,131 yards with a par of 72. The
architects in the world, he has created groves of tall pine trees, an extensive course is accented with palm and mesquite
more courses ranked among the top 100 in lakes and river system (in play on 11 trees, as well as colorful cactus and desert
the U.S. than anyone else in the business. holes) and acre-upon-acre of beautifully wildflowers to give it a true desert feeling.
Here, Tom has done the impossible – he manicured green rye grass interrupted Now proudly managed by Elite Golf
has created a pristine golf oasis in the only by numerous bunkers. Management.
heart of the Mojave Desert. The Lakes