P. 42

Reflection Bay Golf Club

                                      region: Las Vegas  |  course type: Public

            eflection  Bay  Golf  Club  is  located  in  Reflection Bay Golf Club is set on luxurious  truly unique lifestyle experiences including
        Rthe luxurious high-end resort residential  Lake Las Vegas, located 20 minutes east of  a private white sand beach, paddle boarding,
        community of Lake Las  Vegas. Created in  the Las Vegas Strip. A 320-acre man-made  and access to the La Contessa and Lady of
        1998, Reflection Bay Golf Club is designated  lake, Lake Las Vegas is the centerpiece of  the  Lake  yachts.  They  also  feature  one  of
        as a prestigious Jack Nicklaus Signature  this high-end residential resort community.  the most unique concert experiences in the
        Design course, the only such course located  The lavish 32,000-square-foot clubhouse  world,  as  a  floating  stage  turns  Reflection
        in  the  state  of  Nevada.  Reflection  Bay  has  features a full golf shop, as well as casual  Bay into a beachside venue like no other.
        hosted the Wendy’s 3 Tour Challenge PGA  and fine dining. The facilities at Reflection
        event several times and has been the recipient  Bay provide the perfect setting for VIP golf
        of some of the most sought after awards by  groups, corporate outings, celebrations and
        industry magazines including Golf Magazine  weddings. In addition to world-class golf and
        and Golf Digest.                    dining facilities, Reflection Bay offers some

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