Page 52 - LVGL Summer 2019
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[  GOLF          ]



                                   Help in accessing college sports scholarships

                                                    STORY BY BILL BOWMAN

             f you have a student/athlete you feel might be good enough to   Canale’s search for scholarships and athletes to fill them stretches
             earn a college scholarship, but don’t know where to turn to take   from the highest levels of NCAA Division 1 schools down to the lower
          Ithe next steps—or even what those next steps might be—it’s   levels and everywhere in between. At RecruitLook, it’s a process that
        probably time for you to check out RecruitLook. Unveiled in 2008 by   starts with an athlete’s evaluation, both on and off the field. “It’s pretty
        Mike Enright, RecruitLook matches up qualified student/athletes with   simple. The better your grade point average, the better college you have
        available scholarships. That sounds easy enough, but with thousands of   a chance to get into,” Canale says. “With a 3.0 GPA, you’ll only qualify
        colleges and millions of dollars in scholarships out there, getting a good   for 51 percent of colleges nationwide. A 3.5 GPA will get you into 72
        fit can be quite daunting.                             percent and a 4.0 GPA will get you into about 94 percent.”

          Enright was a traveling college scout in search of top-flight talent.   The bottom line is that athletes need to work on those grades as
        Now the talent comes to him, and your child or children could be next.   well as on their sport or sports. “That’s the barometer,” Canale says.
        Granted, the talent and the grades have to be there, but that’s where   “What are your grades like? I’ve had kids go from a 3.0 or 3.2 and push
        Enright and his crew can—and do—make a difference.     themselves to a 3.6 and give themselves a better chance. But I’ve also
                                                               had kids go from a 3.0 to a 2.2 and take themselves out of a chance to
          Tommy Canale is one of those crew members. Canale, based in Las   go just about anywhere. It’s about how much work they want to put
        Vegas, is RecruitLook’s top scout and director of scouting. He spends   into it.”
        countless hours on the search trying to match up students and available
        scholarships. And that includes golf, one of his specialties. As an ath-  Flexibility on where they wind up in college is also a great point, but
        letic director for seven years and three years as an assistant AD prior   one that is sometimes overlooked. “There are kids who get hung up on
        to that, Canale knows the ropes of the scholarship process. “I know the   playing Division 1,” he says. “There are times where that might not be
        rules and the bylaws,” he says. “It helps that I can explain everything   a fit so we try to tell them not to pass up other opportunities at other
        to families and let them know the ins and outs and the proper way to   levels that might be a better fit for them. We have over 1,100 colleges in
        handle the process.”                                   our network. If you’re limiting yourself, you’re limiting us in our search
                                                               and you’re limiting your child.”
          RecruitLook’s goal is simple, but challenging: Find talented kids with
        solid GPA’s and link them up with scholarships. It may sound easy, but   RecruitLook helps those who qualify get more out of the recruiting
        it is a complex endeavor encompassing colleges across the country.   process. Spending a little money now can result in thousands of dollars
        “What I’m looking for are kids who stand out,” Canale says. “I also   in savings in scholarship money. “The average cost for college is about
        want them to have a passion for the sport, really wanting to do this at   $35,000 a year,” Canale says. “That’s $140,000 (for four years). If you
        the next level. Some kids just don’t have that passion, while others are   can cut out half of that, $70,000, with a scholarship that’s a great thing.
        very driven.”                                          It sometimes boggles my mind that people don’t see the value of our
                                                               service if they can’t afford to send their kids to college on their own.”
          Canale also points out that not everyone will qualify to be a client
        at RecruitLook. “We don’t take everybody,” he said. “We do a lot of re-  The services RecruitLook offer are not just by word of mouth. “The
        search before we take a client on. The athletic side is important but the   MVP Membership (there are several packages) is an all-inclusive
        academic aspect is more important. We want quality student athletes.   package that is a one-time fee and not an annual fee,” Canale says. “The
        They have to show as much discipline in the classroom as they do on   MVP begins on the day they enroll into the membership. That can be
        the field.” And this process can begin when the child is young—very   as early as eighth grade or as late as their junior in high school and ex-
        young. “We can start as early as eighth grade if they are ahead of the   pires on December 31 of their graduation year. There is one exception
        curve,” Canale says.                                   to this in that if they go to a junior college, we will help them with their

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