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                                      REFLECTIONS ON A REMODEL

                                                 Krissy Millner, owner, Terra Firma Home

                      Terra Firma Home  |  309 E. Main St, Medford  |  541-770-2728  |

            ver the last 20 years, I have been a part of countless renovations   do I. I think considering your neighbors is important, because if you live
        Oand new builds from the ground up. With so much to ponder  in a bit more rural area, it is so enriching and integral to be connected.
        when considering a remodel, I thought it would be fun and informative
        to interview a dear client who took the plunge two years ago. Linda   KM: HOW DID THE REMODEL COME ABOUT?
        and Jim Maddux have called the Rogue Valley home for 40-plus years,
        and they have been in their current home for 20 years.    LM: I had been dreaming for years about a remodel, so I called our good
                                                                  friend who is a general contractor, and he threw out some ideas. Then I
        I had helped Linda over the years with furnishing and styling, but it was   called you and we developed and changed the concept more. Having a
        always a design challenge—the rooms were a bit awkward, the ceilings   designer was important because you keyed into allocating space in a way
        low, and the most used room, the family room, was the smallest. The   that was better for our lifestyle.
        home offers a breathtaking view, however, and after careful considera-
        tion, the Maddux’s decided to go for a large-scale remodel.  KM: HOW LONG WAS THE PROCESS?

        For this project, we lifted the low ceilings in the kitchen and dining  LM: Start to finish, it was about one year. The permits took quite a
        room to open the space to the view. We retiled the fireplace and added   while, and we had to wait for tradesman to finish other jobs before they
        another fireplace in the living room. The windows all stayed the same,   could start ours. I remember the permit wait driving me crazy. I hadn’t
        but we added new paint and new floors. The redone kitchen now cent-  expected that part!
        ers around a large island, perfect for entertaining or just making dinner
        and gazing out on the sunset and gardens. The Maddux’s entertain, so   KM: WHAT WAS THE HARDEST PART?
        the home fits their lifestyle while remaining intimate for just the two
        of them.                                                  LM: Well, you must expect the unexpected, of course. I am very impa-
                                                                  tient and wanted it all done as soon as possible, but there’s just no way
        KM: LINDA, WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO REMODEL?                 that will happen with a remodel. Jim is not nearly as impatient, but
                                                                  at the end of every day, he really wanted everyone cleared out to have
        LM: Jim and I love our view! We also love our neighbors. We have a   some quiet time. It was also hard to get up and be ready for the trades-
        lovely community, and everyone is engaged and watches out for each   man early every morning. You really must consider that you will be sur-
        other. The lot and the land are truly one of a kind. I would have con-  rounded by people constantly as you try to drink your tea and wake up
        sidered a brand-new build, but Jim really, really loves the property, as   in the morning!

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