P. 103

There were material delays, and for a quite a while we had a makeshift   KM: HOW DID THE PROJECT WORK BETWEEN YOU AND
          kitchen in the garage. I think we both had a good attitude about the   JIM?
          whole endeavor, but it was a long 12 months!
                                                                    LM: Jim is very easy going, I had strong opinions, and so did you
          KM: WERE THERE MISTAKES?                                  Krissy, so we all communicated very clearly on the project and things
                                                                    went well.
          LM: Yes, we were out of town, and luckily, you did a site visit. The
          electrician was going to punch a big hole in the island countertop for   KM: YOUR LAST THOUGHTS?
          electrical cords that would pop up when pushed. He thought it would
          be “neat” and sort of “techie” or something. Luckily, that visual got  LM: I would absolutely do it again because I love my house now. We
          squashed! The island is seamless and beautiful.           use every room now instead of walking past spaces that literally sat
                                                                    empty and unused for 20 years. The key is to have a plan, stay strong
          KM: WHAT ELSE CAN YOU OFFER AS ADVICE TO SOMEONE          during the tough times, and have expert guidance to get you through
          CONSIDERING A REMODEL?                                    to the end!

          LM: Have a PLAN. Have your materials and specifications all sorted out  KM: Thank you so much Linda! It is always a pleasure
          before you begin. Working with a designer was the only way for us to  to be with you and Jim, and it’s always fun to visit your
          get through the myriad questions that seemed to come at us every day!  beautiful home!
          For example: Where does the tile start? Where does it stop? What is
          the thickness of the countertop? How is the edge styled? Where do you  Whether you are remodeling or building new, I hope this is helpful. I
          want your drawer pulls placed? Etc., etc. The contractor and tradesman  also feel that considering your neighborhood or location is a key ele-
          were all very skilled, but they still had questions, so you always have to  ment in the decision-making process. Having a plan is essential before
          have someone keep the vision cohesive. We were out of town during the  anything can start. And lastly, we had one of my designers, Kelly, ren-
          process and having another set of eyes on the project was priceless. You  der the space in 3-D as well as assist in designing the kitchen. The result
          just can’t settle when things go south, you must have the grit to stick  with so many expert eyes on the process was flawless!
          it out and get what you want. It’s our nature and tendency to do things
          the easiest or fastest, but you need to keep calm and carry on to your
          best ability throughout the process.

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