P. 48

they were 100 years ago. The mining and logging practices of the early
                                                                  1900's often  left  river  valleys  looking  like  war-torn wastelands. The
                                                                  impact of these industry practices resulted in alarmingly low numbers of
                                                                  returning salmon and steelhead. The middle of last century brought the
                                                                  steelhead of the Rogue River to the brink of extinction. However, we've
                                                                  learned from our mistakes and current practices are far more sensible in
                                                                  protecting our streams and the water that flows in them. You can't help
                                                                  but be optimistic when you witness, first-hand, the recovery of so many
                                                                  of our small tributaries that ultimately are the life-blood of the Rogue.
                                                                  Q – Why is Southern Oregon a good place to call home?

                                                                  Scott – It’s a great place to raise kids and it just happens to be a spec-
                                                                  tacular place for my line of work. Our weather is amazing here. I went
                                                                  to school at the U of O and literally by February I just wanted to be
                                                                  done with it. I couldn’t stand the rain. I got tired of putting on the same
                                                                  wet raincoat that I’d taken off the night before. There are just so many
                                                                  things that Southern Oregon offers. Obviously, the biggest part is fishing
                                                                  for me. I was a guide in Alaska and British Columbia for years. Both are
                                                                  world-class steelhead fisheries, but, I don’t know that there’s anything
                                                                  more special than what we have in our own backyard. If I had only one
                                                                  spot to fish before I was buried, I’d want it to be on the North Umpqua.
                                                                  That’s the pinnacle of the sport, fishing a dry fly on the North Umpqua.


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