Page 82 - Oregon Golf and Travel Guide 2020
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                                 The Oregon Wine Experience                           ®
                            A toast to the future of health care and award-winning wine

         or five years, Oregon Wine Experience® has attracted thou-  THE ASANTEFORWARD WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S HEALTH
         sands of  patrons  from  around  the  world  to  experience  the   INITIATIVE INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING ENHANCEMENTS:
     Fsuperior culinary and wine creations that call Oregon home.
     World-renowned judges evaluate the incredible wines the state has   •  14 labor and delivery rooms
     to offer through the Oregon Wine Competition, and these wines are
     celebrated, and consumed, during the August megaevent. For the   •  2 surgical suites for C-section deliveries
     first time ever, a Northern winery reaped a Best of Show medal for
     the red category, alongside two Southern Oregon vintners. These   •  Co-location of all pediatric services with 16 private rooms and four
     wines, along with the other 82 medal winners, left an impression   “swing rooms” to provide a safe environment for children
                                                                   facing mental health crises
     with  the  judges:  that  Oregon  has  some  of  the  best  wines  in  the
     world. Though, it’s important to note that the breadth and depth of   •  A designated area for outpatient pediatric infusions, including
     this event spans beyond the vines.                            chemotherapy
     As Asante Foundation’s signature event, Oregon Wine Experience
     demonstrates a key differentiator among other like-events. While   •  Private NICU and special care nursery patient rooms to
                                                                   accommodate 32 babies
     celebrating  premier local  wineries and top culinary  talent,  100
     percent  of  the  proceeds  benefit  charity,  locally.  In  2019,  Oregon   •  A designated area for an OB Emergency Department
     Wine  Experience generated  more  than  $1.7 million  for  Asante
     Children’s  Miracle Network and other health care programs at   •  Advanced medical therapies and specialized treatment for
     Asante—proving to be one of the fastest-growing charitable wine   women of all ages and stages
     events in the country.
                                                              The women’s and children’s hospital will have its own designated
     As one of 170 Children’s Miracle Network hospitals in the country,   entrance and elevator to enhance safety for patients, all housed in the
     Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center is the only primary care   top two floors of a new patient pavilion that will be home to several
     center for children in Northern California and Southern Oregon that   areas of excellence.
     has a dedicated pediatric department, neonatal intensive care unit
     (NICU), pediatric infusion unit and a Maternal Fetal Clinic — a key   “As attendees  sip their  award-winning  wine next  year, they’ll  also
     regional  destination  for compassionate  care.  This year, attendees   be helping Asante transform the future of health care for patients in
     will experience an exciting shift and realize their participation with   our region.  There are few events that  bring together  a community
     Oregon Wine Experience will have an even greater impact through   like  Oregon Wine  Experience  does,”  says  Floyd  Harmon,  Executive
     AsanteForward, a $50 million capital campaign that will transform   Director, Asante Foundation.
     the quality and scope of health care in the region. A component of   Oregon Wine Experience continues to grow year-over-year and so does
     this campaign is to build a new women’s and children’s hospital   its impact—a pinnacle opportunity for wineries and our community to
     within a hospital.                                       be a part of.
     “Proceeds from Oregon Wine Experience are more impactful than   We’ll see you in August under the tent!
     ever as Asante plans, and grows, for decades from now. We will
     have more room, better technology and more efficiency to care for
     patients  in  a  space  specifically  designed  for  them,”  says Andrea
     Reeder, Campaign Director, Asante Foundation.

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