Page 126 - Southern Oregon Magazine Winter 2020
P. 126

calendar | winter 2020

                CALENDAR   OF  EVENTS continued...

        March 8                      Mar. 14 - 15                 APRILRIL                     Apr. 10
        FATHER DAUGHTER SKATE        16TH ANNUAL OREGON           Apr. 3 - 23                  SMUDGE POT STROLL
        At the Bill Collier Ice Rink from   CHEESE FESTIVAL                          
        5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., free event.  At the festival thousands of
                                     visitors will sample cow, goat   GRANTS PASS MUSEUM OF    Apr. 10
        Mar. 13                      and sheep cheese from Oregon   ART
                                     creameries. Oregon-inspired
                                                                  Exhibit featuring Best of the Best
                                     culinary events, including a   high school art from Southern   2ND FRIDAY POETRY NIGHT
        2ND FRIDAY POETRY NIGHT      farmer’s market-style artisan   Oregon.                   At Grants Pass Museum of Art
        At Grants Pass Museum of Art  food, beer and wine festival. At             the Rogue Creamery in Central
                           ,   Apr. 3                       Apr. 11
        Mar. 14            
                                                                  FIRST FRIDAY LIVE            66TH ANNUAL PEAR
        DENIM AND DIAMONDS           Mar. 19                      Featuring Best of the Best at the   BLOSSOM
        DINNER & AUCTION                                          Grants Pass Museum of Art.   Run and Parade.
        HOPE Equestrian Center for                         
        Therapeutic Riding once more   MUSIC AT THE MUSEUM                           
        hosts its annual fundraiser, the   Kray Van Kirk from 7 p.m. to 9
        Denim and Diamonds dinner and   p.m. at Grants Pass Museum of   Apr. 10 and 11
        auction held at the Rogue Valley   Art.                                                Apr. 11
        Country Club on March 14.             PEAR A FARE AND STREET FAIR
        Doors open at 5:00 with a no-                             Vineyards, breweries, distillers,   ENCLĀVE STUDIOS AND
        host bar and social hour. Head   Mar. 21                  and local artisan food makers   GALLERIES
        right over to the silent auction                          are all under the festival canopy   Exhibition: Transparencies, from
        area and place bids. Dinner is at                         serving tastes and selling prod-  5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at 1661 Siskiyou
        6:30, followed by a live auc-  50TH ANNUAL GREATEST OF    ucts. Tasting glasses and tickets   Blvd, Ashland.
        tion. All proceeds benefit HOPE   THE GRAPE GALA          to sample the flavors will be for   541-821-4861
        Equestrian Center.           Experience the flavors of the   sale at the Pear A Fare entrance.
        541-776-0878                 area and enjoy fine wines of the   Vendors will also be selling wine,
                                     Land of Umpqua. This is one of   beer, coffee, and other local   Apr. 14
                                     Oregon’s longest running fine   drinks by the glass. Artisan food
                                     wine events and a favorite for   makers will have a wide variety   MUSIC AT THE MUSEUM
                                     wine enthusiasts of all levels. At   of products for sale as well as   Olivia Millerschin from
                                     the Douglas County Fairgrounds   samples available.       7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Grants Pass
                                     from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. An even-  Museum of Art.
                                     ing of flavorful foods paired per-              
                                     fectly with wines from Southern
                                     Oregon. Dance along to live
                                     music, and vote for your favorite
                                     wine and food pairing.

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