Page 25 - LVG&L 2018 WINTER
P. 25

Clyde Cobb: Southern Nevada

                              Golf Association Forefather

                                                                                       » Founder, Southern Nevada Golf Association
             n 2017, the Southern Nevada Golf   County School District who lived in the
             Association celebrated 50 years. Many   Las Vegas area for 40 years.      » Director, Southern Nevada Golf Association
             close to the Southern Nevada Golf   “When I started to play golf in Las Vegas
        IAssociation recall fondly the gentle-  in the late 60s and early 70s, Clyde was golf     » President, Southern Nevada Golf Association
        manly ways of Clyde Cobb, and credit him as   in Las Vegas,” said Stuart Reid, who was in-
        being one of the most influential leaders of   ducted with Cobb into the original class of     » Director, Nevada State Golf Association
        the SNGA.                            what was then called the Nevada Golf Hall
          Cobb served both the Southern Nevada   of Fame. “He was a master of getting things     » President, Nevada State Golf Association
        area and the overall state of Nevada in his   done, whether he did them himself or got
        leadership capacities. He also served as a   others to do them for him. For example, I     » Trustee, Pacific Coast Golf Association
        trustee for the Pacific Coast Golf Association.   complained to him about the tournaments
        His biggest influence on golf in Southern   and he invited me to join the association     » Founder, Southern Nevada Golf Association
        Nevada might have been spearheading the   and see what I could do, so I did. He was   GHIN System
        implementation of the United States Golf   the reason I got involved with the SNGA.
        Association’s GHIN Handicap System that is   Clyde was my mentor for many years.”    » Founder, Southern Nevada Golf Association
        still in place at area courses, and is the main                               Course Rating System
        system used for various tournaments.
          He was born July 5, 1918, in Quincy, IL. He                                  » President, Winterwood Men’s Club
        was an Air Force veteran who served during
        World War II and the Korean War, and he
        was a retired administrator for the Clark

        W W W.L ASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM                                                      WINTER 2018  LVG&L  23
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