Page 37 - LVG&L 2018 WINTER
P. 37

The tournament, the Big Game and Las Vegas
 STORY BY  BILL BOWMAN                 “Our partnership with the Golf Channel

                                       and Golf Channel Amateur Tour is a

                                       longstanding one that goes back many years.”

                                                                               - Jeff Reid

        is the shortest of the three at just 7,112   “We’ve sold out the event every year we’ve   outs. It’s the same with the tournament format
        yards played all the way back. It is definitely   been at the Las Vegas Paiute Golf Resort,” says   for the 54-hole event. (A reminder—a USGA
        a player-friendly course, but there are still   Rick Adamek, Golf Channel northeast regional   handicap is required to play and there will be
        challenges galore.                   director. “It’s just a tournament you don’t see   12 handicap-based flights.) The opening day
          Then there’s The Wolf. This one is the state’s   very often with three different formats on three   will be a modified alternate shot followed by
        longest golf course at 7,604 yards. However,   different courses over three days. We’ve had   a best-ball round the second day. The final day
        it has enough tee box choices to make it play-  husband and wife teams, father and daughter   will be a scramble.
        able for everyone. The signature hole here is   teams, brother and brother teams… You name   And whether you’re a single player looking
        easy: it’s the par 3 15th hole, complete with an   it, we’ve probably had it here.”  to get paired up during the event or you and
        island green. One reminder—the further back                              your buddy are coming to town, the Duel in
        you play the hole, the smaller that landing area   THE EVENT             the Desert has pricing for everyone. Single
        looks. This one will definitely test the nerves   With three courses, players will face the   (GC Am Tour Member) is $900 for one golfer
        and shotmaking skills of everyone.   challenges of three distinct and impressive lay-

        W W W.L ASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM                                                      WINTER 2018  LVG&L  35
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