Page 38 - LVG&L 2018 WINTER
P. 38

[   GOLF          ]

                                                       E V EN T

        and one room; Double Occupancy (GC Am
        Tour Member) is $825 each for two entries
        and one hotel room; Single (non-GC Am Tour
        Member) is $975; Double (non-GC Am Tour
        Member) is $875. Hotel stays (at Planet Hol-
        lywood) will be Tuesday through Thursday,
        but additional nights are available through the
        event coordinators.
          And  then  there’s  the  tournament  itself.
        Many players have teed it up in events where
        100 players have been entered. Well, this one
        dwarfs just about any event players have par-
        ticipated in anywhere. There will be another
        sellout field of 432 golfers. That’s three full golf
        courses in action all at once. An added bonus
        is that the event is held right before Super
        Bowl weekend.
          “The tournament, the Big  Game, and Las
        Vegas—that’s a pretty good combination,”
        Adamek says.
          It’s a daunting yet impressive undertaking
        for the Las Vegas Paiute Golf Resort staff as
        well as the Am Tour staff. “That’s the beauty
        of it,” Adamek says. “We just want them to
        come out and enjoy the event. We hope they
        don’t realize how much work is involved. That
        means it’s going smoothly and that’s great. We
        have guys who have played in all 15 of them
        and it’s their favorite event.” And that encom-
        passes a lot of events on the schedule, as The
        Golf Channel features about 700 per year.
          “If I could still play in these events, this is
        definitely the one event I would sign up for ev-
        ery year,” Adamek says. “We just love coming
        out to Las Vegas.”

               las vegas paiute golf resort

          10325 Nu-Wav Kaiv Blvd., Las Vegas
                  “The tournament, the Big Game,
                                                and Las Vegas—that’s a pretty good

                                                                                       -Rick Adamek

                                                                                  Golf Channel northeast regional director

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