Page 72 - LVG&L 2018 WINTER
P. 72

[   LEISUR E               ]

                                                MEN T AL G AME

        appointment. None of these emotions helps   BR E A T HE                  T R IGGER S
        you perform at your best, and the emotional   The most powerful tool available is also   At the 2010 British Open at St. Andrews,
        reaction of the mind impacts the body’s   one that you already possess—the breath.   Louis Oosthuizen used a red dot drawn on
        performance.                         Breathe in through the nose for a count of   his glove to focus his mind. Whenever his
          A special variety of time traveling is story   four, exhale for a count of six, and be sure to   mind traveled into the future, he refocused
        writing. As golfers approach the close of the   use your diaphragm. Diaphragmatic breath-  his attention by looking at the dot. Athletes
        round, they begin crafting a response to a   ing is a highly effective tool because it is al-  use a variety of triggers to refocus. Whether
        nearly inevitable question, “What did you   ways present. You can’t breathe in the future,   it’s looking at the top of the foul pole (Tampa
        shoot?” If it is a good day, they prepare to   and you can’t breathe in the past. Focusing on   Bay Rays third baseman Evan Longoria),
        regale their friends with the story of their   the breath relaxes the mind and body while   writing messages on his shoes (Golden State
        success. If it isn’t their best, they prepare to   returning our focus to the present.   Warriors forward Kevin Durant), or hitting
        describe every unfortunate bounce and break                              an imaginary reset button (Seattle Seahawks
        that led to their poor score. When the mind   W .I.N.                    quarterback Russell Wilson), these triggers all
        is occupied in this fashion, it can’t devote its                         serve the same purpose—restoring a present
        full attention to the task at hand. Whether   I’m a big fan of acronyms, and this might   moment focus.
        it’s time traveling or story writing, golfers are   be my favorite. W.I.N. stands for What’s
        rarely present.                      Important Now? It’s a simple question with a   MINDFULNE S S
                                             profound impact on performance. The more   Mindfulness is paying attention in the
          So how do we deal with this situation? Joe   we focus on winning, the less likely it is to   present moment, on purpose and without
        Maddon, manager of the Chicago Cubs, is   occur. By focusing on W.I.N., however, we   judgment. Engaging in a mindfulness prac-
        fond of saying, “Be present, not perfect.” The   increase the chances of winning, as well. The   tice can have a host of physical and mental
        perfect round of golf can never be played, but   beauty of this question is that it can be used   benefits. It reduces stress, anxiety, emotional
        we can play with more presence. Here’s how:   everywhere, not just on the golf course.    reactivity, inflammation, and blood pressure.
                                                                                 At the same time, it enhances concentration,
                                                                                 creativity, decision-making, and calm. By
                                                                                 simply noticing your thoughts and sur-
                                                                                 roundings with kindness and curiosity, you’ll
                                                                                 be more focused, resilient, optimistic, and

                                                                                   With these four tools, you’ll find yourself
                                                                                 in the present more frequently. Not only will
                                                                                 your game improve, you will find that you
                                                                                 enjoy golf more as well.

     70  LVG&L   WINTER 2018                                                 W W W.L ASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM
   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77