Page 26 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Fall 2019
P. 26

[  INDU S T R Y INSIGH T S                                         ]

                    NE W S  •  E V EN T S  •  BEH IND T HE SCENE S

             Huge Summer of State                                  Southern Nevada Wins

                     Amateur Golf                                 Prestigious Pac Am Title
                   LAS VEGAS REPRESENTS                                    A FIRST FOR THE SNGA

             t was another epic summer of amateur golf at the state level in Ne-  as Vegas Golf Hall of Fame and PGA of America, Southwest
             vada. Southern Nevada Golf Association member Daren John-  Section, Southern Nevada Chapter professional Mike Da-
          Ison won the Nevada State Golf Association Mid-Amateur for the  Lvis, 2019 Las Vegas Golf Hall of Fame inductee Sue May and
        second time and fellow SNGA member George Yocum won the Nevada   former Southern Nevada Golf Association president Tim Quinn were
        State Net Amateur, calling it a dream come true. The events were played   named SNGA Directors for the prestigious Pacific Coast Amateur and
        at Red Hawk Resort in Northern Nevada.                 the three took home the prestigious Esrom Puc PAC Am Directors tour-
          A huge tournament on the schedule was the Nevada State Match Play,   ney title. The tournament was played at the Championship course at
        which was played at the exclusive Summit Club in Southern Nevada for   University of New Mexico in Albuquerque over the 2019 summer.
        the first time. Craig Erickson defeated former UNLV golfer Alex Jordan   “Each Association appoints three directors to be on the Pacific Coast
        3 & 2 to earn the title.                               board and the host course representatives organize a Director’s Tour-
          “I really played good golf,” says Erickson, who works for a mechanical   nament the day before the official Pacific Coast Amateur starts and the
        contractor. “I contend in these events, but don’t win many. When you   three Directors play as a team,” May says. “Since 1995 when the Es-
        beat kids who play college golf or a guy with a resume like Ed Fryatt, it’s   rom Puc was created–that’s actually Morse Cup spelled backwards–the
        phenomenal.”                                           SNGA has never won the tournament. This year we proudly get to bring
          Winning divisions at the Nevada State Senior Amateur at Reflection   the trophy home for a year.
        Bay were Kelly Knievel (senior), Jim LiCausi (net), Rich Morrison (sil-  “The format of the overall Pacific Coast Amateur tournament is each
        ver) and Ken Perry (silver net).                       golf association that belongs to the Pacific Coast selects three of their
          UNLV golfer J.J. Gresco made a hole-in-one during the final round   best players to compete. For the first two days, the players are a team
        comeback at Somersett Country Club in Northern Nevada en route to a   playing for the Morse Cup. The other two days they play as individuals.
        two-stroke win at the Nevada State Amateur over Mitchell Abbott. Fin-  All four days of scores count in the individual part of the tournament.
        ishing third was former Coronado golfer Grant McKay. Gresco started   The SNGA team this year was Ed Fryatt, Cameron Barzekoff and Daren
        the day four shots behind Abbott.                      Johnson. There are also presidential invites who play individually, not
          “It (3rd hole) was playing about 150 yards and I hit a 9-iron,” he said   part of the team. Our invite was UNLV player Jack Trent.”
        of his first hole-in-one in seven years. “There’s a big ridge to the right   The team of Fryatt, Barzekoff and Johnson finished tied for 13th with
        and a backstop so I went at the ridge knowing what it should do. I hit it   Alberta. Trent finished 1 under and was the top Southern Nevada fin-
        there and thought it should be good. It stopped, spun back and hit the   isher.
        flagstick dead-center on the opposite side of the hole. Once that went in,
        I thought ‘OK, we’re not out of this.’”

        Daren Johnson

        George Yocum

                                                                         L to R: Mike Davis, Tim Quinn, Daren Johnson,
                               J.J. Gresco                               Sue May, Cameron Barzekoff & Edward Fryatt

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