Page 27 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Fall 2019
P. 27

                                              JUNIOR GOLF SPOTLIGHT

                here are many terrific opportunities available for young play-  travel teams. On the Boys Junior Americas Cup team, captained by SNJ-
                ers through the Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association.   GA alum Billy Harvey, were Ryan Sear, Ben Sawaia, Hazen Newman and
          TYoungsters who participate in the Southern Nevada Junior   Jacob Zerby. The team finished seventh and Newman, now at Oklahoma
        Golf Association have terrific opportunities throughout the year includ-  State, finished fourth individually.
        ing playing in highly-competitive tournaments, learning ways to play   The Girls Junior Americas Cup finished fifth, marking the fourth time
        collegiate golf and earn scholarships, qualifying for prestigious travel   the Nevada team has finished in the top five in 42 years. Captains were
        teams, being introduced to golf for the first time, and saving huge on   SNJGA almuna Kerri Clark and Nicole Dutt-Roberts. Players were Ri-
        green fees. Oh, and a lot of fun is had by everyone involved.  ana Mission, Kyndall Newman, McKenzi Hall and Morgan Goldstein.
          At, you can find all information   The Nevada boys Hogan Cup team finished ninth and included Neil
        needed to sign up an interested player including about First On Course   Babu, John Walsh, Skyler Ngo and Aidan Goldstein. Harvey also served
        clinics and Youth On Course playing privileges that offer green fees for   as team captain in the Hogan Cup.
        as low as five dollars are participating Southern Nevada courses.  At the Mary Cave Cup, two teams of two players represented South-
                                                               ern Nevada. Hailey Stevenson and Natalie Cheong finished 14th and
        Drive, Putt, Chip Qualifiers                           Kyndall Newman and Gracie Olkowski finished 11th.
          Local Drive, Chip and Putt qualifiers from TPC Las Vegas moving on
        the next stage were Nicholas Kilgore, Kirstin Angosta, Angelina Huang,  State Champions
        Colton Rubinstein, Zachary Kilgore and Natalie Cheong.   On the state level, Kyndall Newman (girls) and Daichi Molde (boys)
                                                               won the Nevada State Junior Amateur.
        Traveling In Style
          Over the summer, several golfers represented Southern Nevada on

                                                                Mary Cave Cup:
                                                               Hailey Stevenson
                                                                Natalie Cheong
                                                               Kyndall Newman
                                                               Gracie Olkowskiy

                                                               Drive, Putt, Chip:
                                                                Nicholas Kilgore

               Hogan Cup Team: Neil Babu,  John Walsh,  Skyler Ngo,
                    Aidan Goldstein & Captain Billy Harvey

        W W W.L ASVEGASGOLFANDLEISURE.COM                                                         FALL 2019  LVG&L  25
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