Page 36 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Fall 2019
P. 36

[  GOLF          ]

                                                    COMMUNI T Y

          Business of   Nevada Golf

          Part II                                        Golf is a boom for Nevada, and course ownership
                                                         and management are working together to spread
                                                         how vital golf is to the state’s overall success

                                          STORY BY BRIAN HURLBURT, @LVGOLFINSIDER

           n our last issue, we shone a spotlight on the economic impact the   small businesses that make up the industry.
           business of golf creates in Nevada. The final tally? Pretty staggering
        Istatistics to be sure.                                At the local and state level, the Nevada Golf Alliance was created to
                                                               mirror the national mission of WE ARE GOLF. The group of Nevada
        IN 2018, NE VAD A’S GOLF INDU S T R Y                  allied associations worked with WE ARE GOLF and Golf 20/20 to pub-
        GENER AT ED T HE F OLL O W IN G :                      lish the recent economic impact study. Associations helping to fund and
                                                               implement the study include the Southern Nevada Golf Association, the
           »  $1.242 billion of direct economic activity.
                                                               Northern Nevada Golf Association, the Nevada State Golf Association,
           »  $1.981 billion of direct, indirect, and induced economic output.  the Nevada Golf Course Owners Association, the Southern Nevada
                                                               Chapter of the Southwest Section of The PGA of America, the North-
           »  17,505 direct, indirect, and induced jobs.       ern Nevada Chapter of the Northern California Section of The PGA of
                                                               America, and the Southern Nevada Golf Course Superintendents Asso-
           »  $701.3 million in wages and benefits.            ciation of America.

           »  $138.6 million in state and local tax revenue.
                                                               The summary of the impact report stated the following:
        However, many golf industry experts, despite the impressive statistics,   Nevada is a small state of 3 million people that hits above its weight
        believe that the industry doesn’t earn the respect that it deserves. At a   in golf facility operations (estimated at $301.0 million) due to its large
        national level, the WE ARE GOLF organization was created to help with   number of golf resorts (18 resorts) and golf rounds generated by visitors.
        these issues.                                          Beyond the direct operating expenditures and capital investments made
                                                               by Nevada’s 88 golf facilities (which manage 98.5 18-hole equivalent
        According to WE ARE GOLF, “Golf, a major industry with a positive   courses), the game of golf drives significant economic activity across the
        impact on America’s economic, environment and social agendas, re-  State of Nevada.
        mains misunderstood. WE ARE GOLF is a coalition to tell the true story
        of golf. Not just the game, but the stories of the hardworking men and   Jenny Ozawa served as one of the primary analysts and executed the
        women who make it the greatest sport in the world and whose liveli-  study. “For a state of 3 million people, a lot of golf is played in Neva-
        hoods depend on it.”                                   da due to the large number of visitors and partial-year residents who
                                                               play golf,” Ozawa says. “It's easy to see how golf complements the state's
        WE ARE GOLF is made up of golf’s leading organizations including the   gaming, dining, entertainment, and other outdoor recreational activities
        Golf Course Superintendents Association, National Golf Course Own-  that attract so many visitors year-round. Based on my work with several
        ers Association, PGA TOUR, PGA of America, USGA, U.S. Golf Manu-  states over the past 15 years, I'd say that golf facilities want to be viewed
        facturers Council and World Golf Foundation. The coalition was formed   as small businesses that employ people, attract visitors, and support lo-
        in part because it had become clear the industry was misunderstood by   cal communities by providing a place for outdoor recreation and giving
        too many elected officials. Longstanding perceptions of the game simply   back by hosting charitable events.”
        didn’t square with the facts. By focusing on those whose livelihoods are
        tied to the game, they have leveled the playing field for the thousands of   Any way you drive the ball down the fairway, the industry of golf in the

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