Page 38 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Fall 2019
P. 38

[  GOLF          ]

                                                    COMMUNI T Y

                                                                 In 2018, Nevada golf facilities hosted charitable events that raised
                                                                 $37-million in charitable proceeds for beneficiary organizations.
        Silver state is meaningful and a key economic indicator to the overall
        growth and health of the economy. The state golf industry is doing what
        it can to increase the impact and capitalize on certain growth indicators.

        Nationally golf is also a major player. A study released by the World Golf
        Foundation in 2018 revealed that the overall United States golf industry
        generated $84.1 billion in direct economic impact, which was up 22 per-
        cent since 2011.

        According to a 2018 National Golf Foundation study, total golf partici-
        pation climbed to 33.5 million from 32.1 million when factoring in in-
        creasingly popular off-course forms of the game such as Topgolf, Drive
        Shack and indoor simulators. Almost one in every nine Americans plays
        golf in some form—more than participate in sports such as basketball,
        tennis, baseball and skiing. Golf is the number one pay-for-play sport in
        the United States.

        In the last issue, part one of this summary of Nevada’s golf business, we
        reviewed the overall impact of golf. In part two, we will focus on three
        unique segments of the study: charitable impact, golf course real estate
        and tourism.


        $37 MILLION IN P R OCEEDS                                 Lake Las Vegas: The scenic, walkable green spaces and recreational
                                                                  opportunities provided by golf courses make them a key amenity in many
        GENER AT ED T HR OUG H GOLF                               residential communities.
        T OUR N AMEN T S

        R EP OR T FINDIN GS:
        Charitable  golf  events  serve  as  important  fundraisers  for  many  state
        and local charitable organizations. In 2018, Nevada golf facilities host-
        ed charitable events that raised $37-million in charitable proceeds for
        beneficiary organizations. This includes charitable monies raised at both
        championship events and at the club level. At the club level, here are
        some major 2018 fundraisers: the Coaches vs. Cancer Event at Shad-
        ow Creek and Southern Highlands raised $1 million for the American
        Cancer Society; the Governor's Black-Tie Event at Southern Highlands
        raised over $1 million for Assistance League of Las Vegas, Discovery
        Children’s Museum, Opportunity Village, and several others; the 8th
        Annual Red Rock Classic raised over $100,000 for Operation Homefront
        Nevada, which provides short-term and critical assistance to military
        families and wounded warriors; the Colliers International Links for Life
        Charity Golf Tournament at Siena Golf Club raised more than $130,000
        for several children’s charities in Southern Nevada; and, HELP of South-
        ern Nevada Golfer's Roundup at Cascata Golf Club raised $60,000 for
        outreach and homeless shelter and services for youth and adults. Many
        Nevada golf clubs generate smaller, but high-impact funds for local hos-
        pitals, schools, youth development organizations, college scholarships,
        medical research, etc.

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