Page 82 - Las Vegas Golf & Leisure Fall 2019
P. 82

[   LEISUR E                  ]

                                                    LE AD ER SH IP

          The experiences in G.R.I.T. run the gamut, including skydiving, techni-  In the end, the G.R.I.T program may not be for everybody and Sand-
          cal hiking, off-roading, weapons safety and shooting at targets, and the   ers said that’s OK. “We all have it within us to take it to the next level,”
          list goes on. If you can dream it up, chances are they can make it happen.  she said. “Sometimes we just need to push ourselves a little more. Like
          One of the main things the program does is get people out of their com-  I tell my girlfriends, yoga retreats are awesome. You may get your feet
          fort zone. It mixes Steve’s military training, Jeannie’s corporate Amer-  wet and you may get a knee scraped, but how can you not feel empow-
          ica  background and  the  business  expertise  of  them  both  to provide   ered when you’ve gotten out of your comfort zone and have people
          life-changing experiences. “We have programs that will work for CEO’s,   rooting you on to succeed?”
          empty-nesters, millennials—anyone who is interested in taking that
          next step,” Sanders said.                              This is the life Sanders has been working toward through 21 years
                                                                 in corporate life. “Throughout life, I found that I love working with
          The program always starts and ends in a conference room where clients   people on their journey,” she said. “I have a real positive outlook on
          are assigned accountability partners. Personal and professional growth   life and if people aren’t doing well or want to take it to the next level,
          areas and goals are discussed before the group heads out to the adven-  that’s why we’re here—to  help out.”
          tures ahead. Afterward, it’s another meeting to debrief. Safety, that’s cov-
          ered from start to finish. “Steve brings his expertise and great safety to
          the program,” Sanders said. “There are extreme activities if people want   G.R.I.T (GO REINVIGORATE INTRINSIC TALENTS)
          them, but Steve is always there to stress safety.”     702.757.7111

          The cost ranges from $500-$3,000 per person, depending on the dura-
          tion of the experience. There are half-day, full-day and two-day sessions.

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