Page 46 - LVGL FALL 2017
P. 46

[ [  GOLF        ]]

                                          COUR SE SP O T LIG H T
                                          COUR SE SP O T LIG H T

      Highland Falls #17

     “We’ve got it all and you don’t have to break the   Then there’s EAGLE CREST. This ex-  guests a variety of accommodations—from
    bank to do it all,” says Cody Law, Marketing Consul-  ecutive course (4,067 yards) has become a   388 deluxe guest rooms (550 square feet) to
    tant for Golf Summerlin. “We’re starting to promote   favorite for many players. There are 12 par 3s   39 newly remodeled suites (from 1,100 square
    more deals, and that’s gotten us better room rates   (along with six par 4s) that will let players get   feet all the way up to 2,300 square feet). All
    that we can pass along.”                 in a quick round, while still giving them plen-  have floor-to-ceiling windows that offer im-
     The rates start at just $90 (depending on the day   ty of challenges along the way. The par 3 holes   pressive views of the surrounding northwest
    of the week players tee it up as well as the season)   range in length from 115 yards to 224 yards,   corner of Las Vegas.
    for an overnight stay that includes a round of golf.   so it’s definitely not a pitch-and-putt course   Roaming the resort, guests will find a wide
     “We are really trying to offer a great experience   and you’ll use every club in your bag.  assortment of amenities to check out. There’s
    on and off the golf course and make it truly afford-  “All three of the courses offer playability   a pool and hot tub area, a 24-hour fitness
    able,” Law added.                        and affordability,” Law says. “If you’re looking   center, salon (including haircuts, facials, man-
                                             for golf courses that are fun to play and   icures, and pedicures), an arcade for the kids
    T HE GOLF COUR SE S                      always in great shape, check out any of the   (or those who are still kids at heart), bowling,
                                             three courses at Golf Summerlin. Our main   and more.
     HIGHLAND FALLS is the cornerstone course of   goal is always to be affordable for tourists and   The choices continue into the dining op-
    the trio. It plays just 6,512 yards from the tips, but   locals alike.”      tions with SC Steakhouse and Bar topping the
    it’s a challenge from start to finish.                                       list. There’s also St. Tropez Buffet, Fans Sports
     Elevation changes, bunkering, and water hazards   S T A Y - AND -P L A Y    Bar, Brigg’s Oyster Co. and Du-Par’s along
    abound, but it’s the 14th hole that will leave players   P AC K AG E S       with a couple of options for those needing
    breathless. The view on the 206-yard, par 3 hole is                          bites-on-the-go.
    one of the best around. Players are perched on an el-  No matter if you’re a local, travelling to   “It’s a great destination and with the
    evated tee looking down to a large green. But it’s the   Vegas just to play golf, or are planning to add   top-quality golf that’s available it’s becoming
    backdrop that will have players grabbing for their   golf into your trip, stay-and-play packages   more and more of a destination,” Law says.
    cameras. The entire Las Vegas Strip sits stunningly   with Golf Summerlin offers inexpensive   “The resort and golf courses are all within a
    in the background.                       options that tie your resort stay and your golf   two-mile radius and that’s very tough to find.”
                                             into an all-inclusive deal.           And the Golf Summerlin family is expand-
     PALM VALLEY, at 6,900 yards, is the longest   And best of all, the main resort—the   ing, as Aliante is also a resort choice, and they
    of the three courses. But don’t let the length scare   Suncoast—and all three golf courses are   are in talks with two other close-by resorts as
    you—there are plenty of scoring chances on the   neighbors.                  well—JW Marriott and the Santa Fe—to offer
    course, especially on the 1st and 18th holes. Both   “It’s definitely a great convenience for our   stay-and-play options.
    are par 5s playing around 540 yards so players have   players,” Law says. “This way you aren’t driv-  “We’re looking to keep growing,” Law
    the option of going for the green in two and setting   ing 30 or more minutes to a course and then   says. “Great golf and great places to stay
    up possible eagle putts to start and finish the round   back. It’s all right here.”  and relax—that’s what we’re trying to offer
    in style.                                  The Suncoast Hotel and Casino offers   everyone.”

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