Page 47 - LVGL FALL 2017
P. 47
Highland Falls #15
T HE FU T UR E And Law is confident those phases will 800-803-0758
Law adds that Golf Summerlin is reaching have a lasting impact.
out to those who may have never played the “Most people come to Vegas once or twice
courses. a year and sometimes those trips are for HIGHLAND FALLS GOLF COURSE
“Golfers make decisions based on three things other than golf,” he says. “But when 10201 Sun City Blvd., Las Vegas
things,” he says. “They check out photos, they do decide to play golf, we want them to 702-254-7010
videos, and pricing online. We started with give us a shot. We’ll give you a great product
Phase One and re-did the website. Phase Two, that will hopefully see them become a repeat PALM VALLEY GOLF COURSE
we had new photos taken and we’re going customer.” 9201 Del Webb Blvd., Las Vegas
through them and deciding which ones show- 702-363-4373
case the courses the best. And Phase Three,
we had a drone photographer do a hole-by- EAGLE CREST GOLF COURSE
hole flyover of each hole for the website. We’ll 2203 Thomas Ryan Blvd., Las Vegas
get that edited and online and let the public 702-240-1320
see what we have to offer.”
Palm Valley #14