Page 83 - LVGL FALL 2017
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ision. Tyler Jones and his father Steve Jones launched Blue Heron is a full-service design build firm. It provides a compre-
Blue Heron Design Build in 2003 with a unique vision. hensive custom home solution, including architecture, interior design,
They saw the opportunity to design and build residences construction and even furnishings, if desired. “Pre-designed” custom
Vmeticulously crafted to fit the modern Las Vegas dwell- homes are also available in select neighborhoods. “All of our work is
er: highly efficient homes that are aesthetically stunning and ideally high-end, but our neighborhood homes are more reasonable,” explains
suited to our desert climate and lifestyle. They also saw the need to Tyler. “We can build you a top-top shelf custom home in any golf com-
simplify and streamline the custom home process, from site selection munity you desire, and we also do incredible homes in our neighbor-
through home delivery, by combining each of the key process elements. hoods that are more accessible, starting around 1 million dollars.”
Tyler Jones grew up in Las Vegas. Both his father and his mother, Whether you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind home, or you’re selecting
Anne, also grew up here. “Las Vegas is home,” says Tyler, “we wanted from a floor plan already conceived by the Blue Heron team, it’s the
to create homes that were meaningful, and made sense for Las Vegas.” firm’s comprehensive design build process that you’ll appreciate. “Many
15 years of successful growth have proven that deep roots in Las Vegas people are apprehensive about building a custom home because the
and a thorough understanding of the valley translate into a winning process can be daunting and disjointed,” says Tyler. “We counteract that
formula. by being multidisciplinary. Blue Heron is completely, totally account-
able for the entire process.”