Page 84 - LVGL FALL 2017
P. 84
You begin with Blue Heron’s real estate to rely on for all of the decisions to be made ed living spaces and gathering spaces. People
team. They assist you in finding the perfect along the way. This comprehensive approach like to interact—how can we emphasize
location for your home. Next, Blue Heron’s has been key to our success.” spaces for that?” says Tyler.
architecture team creates a design tailored to
your family, your lifestyle and your passions. VEGAS MODERN Seamless indoor/outdoor living is a prima-
Working closely with you right from the Matching Blue Heron’s commitment to ry focus, too. “The entire property is designed
start, Blue Heron’s talented interior design a comprehensive design build solution is at once. The pool, water features and misting
staff translates your vision of fine interior its desire to create strikingly beautiful and system are thought out with relation to the
finishes into reality. Lastly, Blue Heron’s ex- extraordinarily efficient homes. “Our homes indoor living spaces. How can we enhance
pert production division swings into action, are a response to our culture,” says Tyler. “We both?” muses Tyler.
handling every facet of the building process. build homes for the modern lifestyle, for the
way that families live in Las Vegas today.” Responsible use of precious resources is
Thoughtful integration is a core phi- also an important consideration. “We want
losophy at Blue Heron. “It’s really a novel Understanding that a modern city deserves homes that are respectful and responsive to
idea that has huge benefits for our clients. it own brand of modern architecture, Blue the climate,” relates Tyler. Every opportunity
Communication between the team and with Heron moved away from the “me too” Med- to enhance both passive solar design and
the client is optimized because we’re all in- iterranean designs so prevalent in Las Vegas. active solar amenities is explored. Thoughtful
house,” says Tyler. “The client has someone “We like open floor plans, casual, sophisticat- placement of glass throughout a Blue Heron