Page 70 - Southern Oregon Magazine Winter 2019
P. 70

the good life | great outdoors

                           GREAT OUTDOORS

                          right winter clothing + right fit = fun & safety

                                                 BRYANT HELGELAND OF MOUNTAIN PROVISIONS

              inter is here. Whether you’re playing in the snow on skis, a   You’ve most likely heard of the wisdom and comfort of clothing layering.
        Wsnowboard, or snowshoes, being comfortable makes the expe-  What does this really mean? Are you doing it correctly?
        rience way more fun. Even if you aren’t in the snow, it’s still cold. Let’s
        look into the best ways to be comfortable while you’re out there, and   First, consider your activity level. This is key. You need to dress appro-
        to avoid hypothermia.                                     priately for each activity. I wear more warm clothes to work in a heated

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