P. 40

Central OregOn                       OREGON GOLF & TRAVEL GUIDE 2018

     400 NW Pro Shop Drive
     Bend, OR 97703

     Course Details
     Robert Muir Graves
     18 Holes, Par 72
     6,674 yards from blue tees
     5,323 yards from forward tees
                                                   River’s Edge Golf Course
     Practice Facility
     All Grass Driving Range              
     Putting Green

     Property Amenities              f all the unique settings for a golf course in   tee-shot, followed by a forced carry approach over a
                                     Central Oregon, River’s Edge in Bend tops
     Men, Women & Youth Rentals  Othe list.  Carved out of the lava rock and nat-  water feature to an elevated green protected on the right
                                                                         side by a 25 foot waterfall.  A par on this hole is
     GolfBoards                 ural landscape near the Deschutes River, this 18-hole   definitely an accomplishment!  Additional highlights
     Pro Shop                   layout offers a challenging and unforgettable golf   include the 216 yard par-3 16th, a setting that perfectly
                                experience that complements the incredible surround-
                                                                         encapsulates the signature elevation changes featured
     Men’s & Women’s Club       ing scenery and dramatic elevation changes.  throughout the round. The hole requires careful club
     PGA Professional Lessons   River’s Edge plays to a maximum distance of 6,674   selection (i.e. club down!)  to a green complex that is
     Clubhouse                  yards from the tips.  The forward tees provide a more   situated some 300 feet below the tee!
     Banquets                   manageable length of 5,323 yards, giving players of   The friendly staff and manicured fairways along with
                                all abilities a reasonable test.  An even mix of dogleg
                                                                         some of the best greens in Central Oregon, have earned
     Special Events, Tournaments  left and dogleg right holes require consistency off the   River’s Edge high marks on serval ratings sites. For the
                                tee, and water features come into play on more than   adventurous, GolfBoards are available to rent, giving
     Restaurant/Dining          half the holes.  The greens are elevated, which places   players an alternative to traditional transportation, while
     Scenic Outdoor Dining      an emphasis on hitting quality approach shots.    providing a riding “experience” within a golfing
                                                                         experience.  At River’s Edge Golf Course, an affordable,
     Lunch                      To many players, the 344 yard par-4 6th is one of the    one-of-a-kind opportunity awaits the traveling golfer,
                                facility’s most memorable holes, requiring an accurate
     Wine and Beer                                                       and the local player alike, right in the heart of Bend.
     Local Micro Brews
     Liquor/ Spirits

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