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Central OregOn                       OREGON GOLF & TRAVEL GUIDE 2018

                                             Meadow Lakes Golf Course


                                     omfortably situated along the Crooked River   not always be required off the tee.  A certain risk/reward
                                     in sunny Central Oregon, Meadow Lakes Golf   element comes into play in a number of situations on the
     300 SW Meadow Lakes Drive,   CCourse has quietly become a popular destina-  course, particularly on the par 5’s.  Players must consid-
     Prineville, Oregon 97754   tion of choice for players looking for an affordable,   er many of the well-placed bunkers and ponds from tee
     541-447-7113               consistently well-maintained test of high desert golf.   to green to successfully navigate these holes, but birdie      Opened in 1993 and owned by the city of Prineville,   opportunities abound with properly executed shots.
                                the facility is known for its generous putting   Golf Advisor recently awarded Meadow Lakes with
                                surfaces, multiple water features, and challenging,   its “Top 25 Value Courses in the U.S.” (2015), and its
     Course Details             but fair, layout.  Five sets of tees stretch the course   superintendent received the coveted “Superintendent of
     Designer/Architect:        from 4,858 yards (Red) to 6,783 yards (Black) – the   the Year” by the Oregon Golf Association in 2016.  In
                                course rating and slope from the tips is a reasonable
     Mr. Bill Robinson          72.1/125.                                addition to great golf, the Restaurant at Meadow Lakes is
                                                                         a popular stop for golfers and non-golfers alike, provid-
     18 Holes, Par 72           The par 3’s at Meadow Lakes pack a punch, as all   ing year-round breakfast and lunch service, as well as
     6,783 yards from back tees  require a different approach to club selection due   award-winning special-event brunches.   With such a
                                to distance variations, green design, and hazard   well-rounded golf, food, and service experience, a day
     Practice Facility          placement.  Scoring opportunities are available on   at Meadow Lakes Golf Course adds up to a “can’t miss”
                                the par 4’s and par 5’s, however, though driver may
                                                                         opportunity for locals and travelers alike.
     Driving Range
     Practice Green
     Chipping Green
     Practice Bunker

     Property Amenities
     Pro Shop
     Junior Golf
     Leagues & Lessons
     Meetings & Banquets
     Special Events

     Restaurant/Dining        Players must consider many of the well-placed bunkers and ponds from tee to green to
     Scenic Outdoor Dining    successfully navigate these holes, but birdie opportunities abound with properly executed shots.
     Special Event Brunches
     Easter, Mother’s & Father’s Day
     Happy Hour
     Special Event Dinner
     Valentine’s Day
     Wine and Beer
     Liquor/ Spirits

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