P. 51

Black Butte offers golf, biking, swimming, canoeing, tennis, horseback riding, dining, spa, tennis, paddle board-
        ing, fly-fishing and more. It’s also the ideal launching point for the outdoor adventures that draw enthusiasts from
        all over the world to Central Oregon.

      both classic and modern golf design, with five sets of tees on every hole   horseback riding, paddle boarding, fly-fishing and more. The full service spa
      to accommodate players of all skill levels. Originally opened in 1978, the   is a great place for guests to relax and rejuvenate, and the recently renovat-
      course went through a dramatic overhaul in 2010 and 2011 at the direction   ed Lodge Restaurant and Aspen Lounge are centrally located in the heart of
      of designer (and Oregon native) John Fought. The plan called for remov-  the 1800-acre resort, serving a year-round menu rich in regional Northwest
      ing dense forest overgrowth, re-routing holes, and installing state of the   cuisine.
      art irrigation. Following the $3.75 million project, Glaze Meadow turned   The Lakeside complex situated in the heart of the Ranch features an expansive
      into a 7,007-yard classically inspired gem and was recognized by Golf Inc.   pool, outdoor hot tub, sauna, fitness facility, recreation center, playground,
      Magazine as the 2012 “Renovation of the Year.”         retail shop and Bistro with indoor and outdoor dining. This addition only
      Year-round recreational pursuits complement the golf experience at Black   enhances the resort’s reputation as one of the most family-friendly golf desti-
      Butte Ranch.  Guests can settle in to one of over 120 vacation homes   nations anywhere. Whether traveling as a family, with friends, or for a couples
      situated throughout the Ranch’s unspoiled harmonious setting and enjoy an   golf getaway, there can be no more authentic Central Oregon experience than
      array of outdoor activities including biking, swimming, canoeing, tennis,   Black Butte Ranch.

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