Page 32 - Leverage and Learn_Neat
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Leverage Allied Investments and Combat Learning Experience in Modernizing the U.S. Military

            MBDA’s SPEAR air-to-ground precision strike weapon will meet this growing operational demand. Utilising and
            building on the best key technologies from the combat proven Brimstone weapon, SPEAR is being developed to
            meet the requirements for a multi-load out missile system for operation from fixed wing aircraft. Initially the
            weapon will be deployed on the UK’s Royal Air Force and Royal Navy F-35 fleet.

            Artist Rendition of F-35 Firing Spear 3 Missile. CreditL MBDA

            For F-35, the weapon will be mounted on a launcher that will enable four munitions to be carried in each bay
            alongside another weapon such as Meteor. SPEAR is equipped with a multi-spectral seeker, linked with a multiple-
            effects warhead.

            Where SPEAR differs from glide weapons is that MBDA has equipped SPEAR with a small turbojet motor, along
            with its sophisticated guidance system, wing kit and actuators. The turbojet is a key benefit, providing the
            warfighter with significant advantages when deploying the weapon.

            The weaknesses of glide weapons are that they tend to be operated in near line of sight and any deviation / off
            bore sight launch reduces their range. Additionally, as glide bombs are unpowered, any adverse wind or weather
            conditions also dramatically reduce their range. Their lower speed, agility and range rapidly reduces the realistic
            engagement options for the pilot.

            Time critical targets also become a challenge for glide weapons – they are simply too slow to meet the needs of
            the modern battlefield.  SPEAR’s range capability in any weather conditions is unmatched, as is its seeker accuracy
            and performance against moving targets.

            SPEAR has already concluded extensive and successful subsystems and airframe proving demonstrations for the
            UK MoD customer.

            For example in the Spring of 2016, a SPEAR missile was launched from a Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft deployed
            from the BAE Systems facility at Warton, UK. The aircraft was flown to the QinetiQ range at Aberporth where
            Second Line of Defense

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