Page 37 - Leverage and Learn_Neat
P. 37

Leverage Allied Investments and Combat Learning Experience in Modernizing the U.S. Military

            Tasking prioritization, discipline associated with that and getting that right so that we can maximize all those
            opportunities is key.

            With the P-8, and family of systems with the Triton, we can deliver capabilities to many more customers at
            varying levels, ranging from the strategic to the operational tactical level.

            Balancing that demand and getting it right is going to be challenging.

            It’s a bonus, it’s a fantastic opportunity, but at the same time we can’t do everything for everyone all the time.

            That said, we have directed levels of capability that we will be able to meet.
            Question: Let us talk about the way ahead and the advantages of being on the ground floor of the P-8

            How do you see those advantages?

            Answer: In some ways, it is like having a two nation F-35 program.

            Because we are a cooperative partner we have a stake and say in the evolution of the aircraft.

            And this is particularly important because the aircraft is software upgradeable.
            This allows us working with the USN to drive the innovation of the aircraft and its systems going forward.

            We’ve been allowed to grow and develop our requirements collectively.

            We think this is very far sighted by the USN as well.

            I think we’ve got the ability to influence the USN, and the USN have had the ability to influence us in many of
            the ways that we do things.

            We will be doing things differently going forward.
            It is an interactive learning process that we are setting up and it is foundational in character.

            Let’s look at what we’re actually generating at the moment.

            We’re generating generation’s worth of relationship building, and networking between the communities.

            We are doing that over an extended period of time.

            For about three years we have been embedding people within the USN’s organization.

            There’s friendships that are being forged, and those relationships are going to take that growth path for
            collaboration forward for generations to come.

            When you can ring up the bloke that you did such and such with, have a conversation, and take the effort
            forward because of that connection.

            That is a not well recognized but significant benefit through the collaborative program that we’re working at
            the moment.

            We are shaping integration from the ground up.

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