Page 60 - Letters of Reference
P. 60
From: Laurel Blair
Date: May 1 at 11:11:57 AM CDT
Hi Janet
It was so wonderful seeing you yesterday. You are the
consummate professional. As marketing has been my life-
long profession and I often had to educate my clients
about various things, I am so grateful you took your time
to educate me. The thoroughness of your research with
which to do it is truly the best I have ever seen in any
industry. Further I want you to know how proud I am to
have you representing my coop and how happy I am for
your continued, unprecedented success.
You truly rock, Janet.
Can hardly wait to get started. I took your suggestions to
heart and even better, the way you explained things I now
understand why I have to do more purging. Next on my
agenda today: purge back bedroom (with the rose sofa)
and make it look like a cozy retreat that can be a bedroom.
With heartfelt best wishes,