Page 64 - Letters of Reference
P. 64

From: Barbara Provus []
Sent: Tuesday, July 31
To: Adrienne Drell <>
Cc: Fred Wackerle <>

Our broker is phenomenal. She has been marketing it as if it were a multimillion dollar prop-
erty. She's one of the top producers in the city, and was the agent who sold Jamie Dimon's
house a couple of years ago after another broker had the listing for two years.

-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara Provus []
Sent: Thursday, July 19
Cc: Barbara Provus and Fred Wackerle

Janet, you are treating us like your best/only/first/last client!!! We are 100% yours!! B.


From: Frederick Wackerle []
Sent: Thursday, June 21
Subject: Re: 3750 N. Lake Shore on Deal Estate

I am so impressed, this is a wonderful marketing tool, and if I was in the market I'd want to
buy it! Thanks for arranging this, wish we had this resource here in Tucson once we decide
to sell the mountain house. Awaiting the outcomes. Janet, you are the best! Freddy


Sent: Tuesday, June 19
Subject: Re: The Winner

I hope you really do understand how much Fred and I appreciate what you are doing
re trying to sell our apt. SO MUCH beyond what it warrants. We will try to make it up
to you some day! B.
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