Page 53 - Demo
P. 53

STEP 2 - Write Your Story
corporate database or being changed for any reason will be tracked. We will track the date and time it happened, who performed the operation, exactly what was done, what internet address the operation was performed from and exactly how long the process took. This accumulating information will be invaluable for many reasons in the future. We will be able to track the cost of each transaction, the efficiency of our operation, detect fraud, and many other things. If a person is found to have been doing something incorrectly for a while, we can easily find every occurrence of the error and correct them. We will also be accumulating a treasure trove of information, which can be used in the future for data mining and multi- dimensional analysis.
All transactions will be comprehensively supported and will process in real-time. The software will provide every transaction, calculation, document and communication required to support our products. Each of these operations will also be processed immediately, in the order they are entered or required, and the result will be made available immediately for viewing on-line. There will be no requirement for

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