P. 117

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            SOLAR  SYSTEM
            PLANET  EARTH

                   Planet  Earth:
                   Z  It  is  the  only  planet  that  has  oxygen.
                   Z  It  has  the  shape  of  an  oblate  sphere.
                   Z  It  ranks  third  among  the  eight  planets  with  respect  to  its
                      proximity  to  the  sun.
                   Z  It  has  a  natural  satellite:  The  Moon.
                   Z  It  is  also  called  “Blue  Planet”,  due  to  the  presence  of
                      oceans  and  atmospheric  gases.

                       The  Earth  has  two  movements.

                       Z  Rotational  movement:
                           It  occurs  when  the  Earth  rotates
                          on  itself,  resulting  in  day  and  night.
                          It  takes  approximately  24  hours.

                                                                  Z  Translation  movement:
                                                                      It  occurs  when  the  Earth  revolves
                                                                      around  the  Sun,  resulting  in  the
                                                                      seasons  of  the  year.  The  Earth
                                                                      takes  365  days  or  a  year  to  go
                                                                      around  the  sun.


             Z  Find  four  words  related  to  the  Solar  Planetary  System.

                1.  Sun                     PLANETSND
                2.  Moon                    MELMAEAOOR
                3.  Planets                 HLUNABMLLE

                4  stars                    AALDSTOTHIS


                                                           191                           SOCIAL  PERSON 6
            1st  Grade
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