P. 124

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                                                                                   THE  SUN:  CHARACTERISTICS.
                                                                                  THE  MOON:  DAY  AND  NIGHT

          9.  The  light  and  heat  of  the  Sun  are  important  for

                                                         Sun                         Life
                          The  game

          10.  Earth's  natural  satellite

                             Sun                         Moon                       stars

                      for  your  notebook

          11.  Write  three  characteristics  of  the  sun:

          12.  Write  three  characteristics  of  the  Moon.

          13.  Write  the  four  phases  of  the  Moon

          14.  Draw  or  paste  the  phases  of  the  Moon

          15.  Who  was  the  first  man  to  visit  the  Moon?

          16.  Draw  or  paste  the  Sun  and  the  Moon

           7   SOCIAL  PERSON                           198                                       1st  Grade
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