P. 36
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sedentary communities;
preinca cultures
The ancient Peruvian managed to support his diet in an agriculture in constant
development and a livestock that complemented it. This completely
transformed his life, giving rise to pre-Inca cultures. Weaving and ceramics
constitute a great documentary source for our history, since they recorded
scenes and the way of life of their people.
Did you know…
Pre ÿ before
Pre-Inca ÿ before the Incas
Pre-Inca cultures of the sierra
Chavin Culture Tiwanaku culture
Z It was developed in the department of Áncash. Z It was developed in the department of Puno.
Z The Chavín men were skillful sculptors Z Livestock farming was the basis of its economy.
beef in stone Z They worshiped mysterious gods carved on the
Z Its most important activity was agriculture. portals and on the monoliths.
Z Its ceramic is black with the appearance of stone. Z Their main god was Huiracocha.
Z Its pottery is represented by the kero, which was a
ceremonial vessel.
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