P. 90

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                                                                          PERU  AND  ITS  NATURAL  REGIONS:
                                                                                              PERUVIAN  SEA

            the  peruvian  sea

            The  Peruvian  sea  or  Mar  de  Grau,  is  part  of  the  Pacific  Ocean,  which  goes  from  the  coast  to  200  miles  offshore.

            It  has  a  great  diversity  of  species  such  as  anchovy,  sole,  octopus,  sea  lions,  etc.
            Through  fishing,  its  resources  are  used  for  food  and  industry.
            Its  waters  are  cold,  salty  and  blue-green  in  color,  due  to  plankton.
            Oil  is  extracted  from  the  subsoil.
            It  has  a  hot  current  (El  Niño)  and  a  cold  current  (Humbolt).
            The  most  important  port  in  Peru  is  Callao.

            Remember  that

                               Our  Peruvian  sea

                               he  has  a  lot  of  wealth
                                   natural  whoops

           1 SOCIAL  PERSON                                                                       1st  Grade
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