P. 92

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                                                                          PERU  AND  ITS  NATURAL  REGIONS:
                                                                                              PERUVIAN  SEA

          6.  Join  with  whom  it  corresponds

          7.  Reorder  and  write  the  letters  that  appear  in  the  boxes  and  you  will  know  some  products  that  I  got
             we  in  the  sea

                    P  _______________          C _______________            A  _______________

          8.  Region  with  abundant  fish  and  shellfish  10.  It  is  formed  by  the  Cordillera  de  los  Andes
             a.  coast                                        a.  peruvian  sea
             b.  peruvian  sea                                b.  saw
             c.  Jungle                                       c.  Lime

          9.  Largest  river  in  the  Jungle.
             a.  Rimac
             b.  Amazon
             c.  Lurin

                     for  your  notebook

          11.  In  what  natural  region  of  Peru  do  you  live?

          12.  Complete  with  the  following  words

                       salty             Sea  of  Grau            fishes               cold

             The  Peruvian  Sea  or  _____________  It  is  a  part  of  the  Pacific  Ocean,  its  waters  are  __________  and  _________
             and  has  a  wide  variety  of _____________.

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