Page 25 - SCIENCE
P. 25

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                  1st  Grade  -  Primary  Education                SCIENCE  AND  ENVIRONMENT

                  How  much  have  we  learned?

           Names  and  surnames :     ________________________________________________

             1.  Coloring:

                 Red         :  Head

                 Green       :  The  log

                 of  yellow  :  extremities

             2.  Mark  with  a  cross  (X)  the  correct  answer.

                    What  part  of  her  body  does  the  girl  use  to
                    jump  rope?

                                                                             What  part  of  your  body  do  you  use
                                                                             children  to  head  the  ball?

                    What  part  of  her  body  does  the  girl
                     use  to  move  the  ula  -  ula?

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