Page 26 - SCIENCE
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              SCIENCE  AND  ENVIRONMENT                                1st  Grade  -  Primary  Education

         3.  Match  the  organ  of  each  sense  with  the  action  performed  by  each  of  them.

                                                                                          we  tasted

                                                                                            we  touch

                                                                                             we  smell

                                                                                             we  see

                                                                                          we  hear

         4.  Complete  the  meaning  of  the  words  by  writing  vowels.

                                                    1.  The  sense  of  taste  is  in  the  __________________.
              L        NG
                                                    2.  The  sense  of  sight  is  in  the  __________________.
                  J         yes
                                                    3.  With  taste  we  feel  the  __________________.
              yes      B.        R        yes
                                                    4.  The  taste  of  sea  water  is  __________________.
                       L         D
                   SC            CH            R    5.  With  my  ears  I  can  __________________.

              N        R         Z                  6.  I  can  smell  with  the  __________________.

              T        CT
                                                    7.  The  skin  is  the  sense  organ  of  _______________.
                   NS            P        D
                                                    8.  Drinking  water  is  __________________.
              D        LC
                                                    9.  Sugar  is   __________________.
                   L        R        yes
                                                    10.  With  my  sense  of  smell  I  perceive __________________.
                       N         D
              yes                         yes
                                                    11.  With  my  ear  I  listen  to  __________________.

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