Page 2 - science
P. 2
How to Use this Book 5 Look at things moving in
Being a Good Scientist 6 water and wind 58
Explore how things move
1 Exploring Animals 12 (pushes and pulls) 60
Sorting animals 14 Fast and slow-moving objects 62
The vertebrate groups 16 Exploring the movement of toys 64
What eats what? 18 What have I learned about
Sorting some unusual animals 20 pushes and pulls? 66
Same but different 22 4 Making Sounds 68
Our body 24
Our senses: seeing, hearing 26 Talking and listening 70
Our senses: tasting, smelling, Making sounds 72
touching 28 Quiet and loud sounds 74
What have I learned about Sounds and moving about 76
exploring animals? 30 Sounds around us 78
How we hear sounds 80
2 What is it Made of? 32 What have I learned about
Different materials 34 making sounds? 82
What do materials look and
feel like? 36 5 Plants and the Seasons 84
What can materials do? 38 Parts of a plant 86
What else can materials do? 40 Looking at wild and garden
Metals 42 plants 88
Metals and non-metals 44 Weather 90
Useful materials 46 The seasons 92
Sorting materials into groups 48 Recording rainfall 94
What have I learned about Observing and measuring
materials? 50 the wind 96
What have I learned about
3 Pushes and Pulls 52 plants and the seasons? 98
Stopping and starting 54 Glossary 100
Look at things moving in wind 56