Page 4 - science
P. 4

How to Use this Book

            This Student Book for Oxford International
                                                                   loud  quiet
            Primary Science forms part of your science             sound  voice  The words on the Wow pages are

            lessons for this year. Your teacher will              included in the picture glossary at the back
            introduce the ideas through whole-class               of the book. You can add your own notes for
            activities, then you will explore them in more        each word.
            detail using this book, before all coming back
            together to discuss what you have learned.             Key words
            Find out more at:               feed     Gives you the key words for the lesson.
            international-science                                  In this lesson you will name the parts of the body.   Tells you what you

            Structure of the book                                 will learn in the lesson.
            This book is divided into five units plus an                 Questions to help you talk to each

            introduction called Being a Good Scientist            other and share ideas about the science you
            and a picture Glossary:                               are learning and the investigations you do.
            Being a Good Scientist
            Unit 1 Exploring Animals                                          Practical and research activities
            Unit 2 What is it Made of?                            to investigate and report on science topics.
            Unit 3 Pushes and Pulls                               Sometimes your teacher will ask you to use
            Unit 4 Making Sounds                                  different equipment, which is available in
            Unit 5 Plants and Seasons                             school. They may also ask you to carry out a test
            Glossary                                              in a different way, to make sure you are safe.
            Each unit covers a different strand of science.           Stretch zone  Challenges you to take your

            You will need a science notebook to write in          learning further.
            and to record your investigation results and
            conclusions.                                           Key idea   Summarises what you have learned.

            Being a good scientist                                Additional features

            To be a good scientist you need to be curious          Think back   Reminds you what has been
            and ask questions. This section will help you         covered before.
            think about how to develop your scientific             Science fact Interesting and amazing science

            skills to work like a scientist.                      facts.
            What you will find in each unit                              Highlights the skills needed to be a
            There are three types of lessons:                     good scientist.

            Wow introduces each unit’s scientific ideas and
            key words. It tells you what you will learn in the             Important notes about how to stay safe.
            unit and lets you discuss what you already know.

            Focused lessons cover the scientific knowledge        Teacher’s Guide
            and skills you need to learn this year.               There is a Teacher’s Guide to help your teacher
            In What have I learned? you review your               to work out the resources needed and to offer
                                                                  alternative activities and approaches.
            understanding and show your teacher what
            you have learned about the unit.                      Workbook
            What you will find in the lessons                     At the bottom of each page in this book is

            Although each lesson is unique, they have             a link to a Workbook, where you can record          5
                                                                  your work and get extra practice to do in your
            common features:                                      lesson or at home.
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