Page 9 - science
P. 9

I have                              Ask the students in your class

                          found that ...                           about their favourite colour.

                                                                   Design a table for your results.

            Scientists write down or record                        Record the results in your table.

            what they have found from their                      Charts
            observations and measurements.                       Results from tables can be shown

            This helps them to see patterns or                   as charts or graphs.
            to sort things into groups.
                                                                 This chart shows the results of an
            There are lots of different ways to                  investigation about colours.
            record results.
                                                                           Favourite colours of my class
            Tables                                                  6

            One way is to complete a table.                         5

            You could use a table like this one                     4

            to record the favourite fruits in                       3
            your class:                                             2

                Fruit        Number of students
                                                                     Yellow    Red      Blue     Green     Pink
              orange                       5

              banana                       4                     The number of students is plotted

               apple                       4                     along the side on this chart.

               melon                       6                     The colour choices are plotted

                kiwi                       1                     along the bottom.

                                                                   What is the least favourite

              Look at the table. Answer                            colour?

              these questions with your partner.                   What is the most favourite colour?

              What is the least favourite fruit?
                                                                 Results are sometimes easier to
              What is the most favourite fruit?
                                                                 read from charts than tables.
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14