Page 10 - science
P. 10

Drawings and models

            Scientists may draw or make                                    This means that ...

            models of the things they are

            studying. Models help scientists to
            see and explain how things work.

            Science drawings are not like the                    The last stage of an investigation is
            pictures you paint. Scientific                       when scientists look at their results

            drawings are much simpler.                           carefully.
                                                                 They work out if the results have
            You might need to draw a plant or

            animal, or a piece of equipment.                     helped them to answer their
                                                                 investigation question.

                                                                 The questions they might ask are:

                                                                    Can I see any patterns?

                                                                             Are any results unusual?
            This is a simple drawing of a leaf

            but you can still tell what it is.                      Was my prediction correct?

            Photographs and videos

            Scientists might also take                                                Could I have done

            photographs and video clips of                                             anything better?
            their investigations and results.

                                                                 Finally, they will always think about

                                                                 how to make their investigation

                                                                 It is useful to fill out an investigation
                                                                 planning form. This sets out all the

                                                                 stages of your investigation. It helps

                                                                 you to remember everything you
            This is a very accurate way to                       need to think about. Your teacher

            record results.
                                                                 can give you one of these.                          11
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