Page 17 - SCIENCE
P. 17

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            THE  BONE  SYSTEM                                                                       1st  Grade

             6  Complete  the  concept  map.                   8  Complete  the  following  puzzle.

                                BONES                               a)  The  bones  of  the  skull  are…
                                                                    b)  The  largest  bone  in  the  body  is  ….  c)  The

                                                                    skeleton  is  made  up  of  206  ….  d)  the  bones
                                                                                 ________________  to  the
                                                                       internal  organs.

             7  Write  the  name  of  two  bones  of  each  type:             d.
                  w  Shorts

                  w  Long


                  w  Plans

                     _______________________________           c.


             9  Match  the  posters  with  the  corresponding  part  of  the  skeleton.

                    Bones  of  the  hand  •                                           •  Skull

                    Teeth            •                                                •  Clavicle

                    Femur            •                                                •  Humerus

                    Ball  joint      •                                                •  Foot  bones

                                                                                  SCIENCE  AND  ENVIRONMENT
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